Super early build release! (what comes before alpha?)

Alright, so here is my super duper early release of my next game, pond! Really I've released this to test whether it can play in the web window. I would love get some feedback though on what I've got so far, anything could be helpful!

Some caveats: 

 -I know that the player can move beyond the scope of the pond, I'm going to add some colliders when the map layout is finalised.

-There is supposed to be some text when the player interacts with characters, but for some reason it's not showing. I suspect this is something to do with how the text is alligned by the engine.

-I have decided for now to go with a fixed camera angle, because I want this game to be accessable to people who wouldn't normally play games, however this may be subject to change.

-The depth of field needs further adjustment. 

Please enjoy, and let me know what you think!


pond Play in browser
May 28, 2022

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